Happy Valentine’s Day
I know most of you all don’t know me but anyone who does knows I loathe Valentine’s Day, especially at school. The kids are wild, parents get in a full-out competition on who can send the biggest balloon or stuffed bear, and kids cry because their parents did send anything. It is jus chaos. Anyway, enough of me ranting. The reason I am writing this post is because over my 13 years of teaching Kindergarten I have found out a few ways to make this day less of a headache for everyone.
Calming the Valentine’s Day chaos.
- The cards! This is something that has helped my class out more than anything. In my first year or 2 I thought it would be a great idea to send my class list home so everyone could write their classmates’ names on a card. Boy was that a mistake. Why you wonder? KINDERGARTENERS CAN’T READ! I didn’t even think about the fact that I was going to have to tell 27 kids the names on every single card. Passing out cards took over an hour to complete with he whole class and it also had me and my instructional assistant ready to pull our hair out so word from the wise ONLY HAVE THEM FILL OUT THE FROM SECTION.
- Don’t expect to teach your normal lessons that day and it be successful. Keeping kids in a routine is important but to think that you are going to be able to teach everything you would normally teach on a regular day I just not doable. Let them be kids and have fun that day.
- But not too much fun! Yes, I said it. They can have fun but planning your whole day with activity after activity is just exhausting. You will be tired, the kids will be hyped up and then crash. It just isn’t good for anyone. My suggestion is to plan 1-2 super fun activities and then be done with it. Let them do a coloring contest, pass out their Valentines, and enjoy their day. Don’t try to be that over-the-top teacher because the only thing it does is exhaust you.
- Don’t tell the parents they can send Valentine’s to the school. I’m not saying don’t allow it because that is bad for local business. I’m just saying don’t announce it. Most parents will give the kids stuff at home for Valentine’s day but if you announce it they will feel like they have to send something. I know this sounds crazy but it works.
- Lastly and most importantly. Pray about it! Pray your day goes smoothly and no kids get their feelings hurt. Pray that you have the love for these children only this special day even if you are exhausted and really want to pray for a snow day!
I hope you all have a successful and fun Valentine’s Day!