What you really need to do to get pregnant.

Get pregnant fast using these methods!

How many times have you searched the internet, Pinterest, TikTok, etc., and read that if you try these 6 things you will get pregnant fast or if you do blah, blah, blah you will be pregnant this month? Let me tell ya, I have searched the internet high and low and spent more hours than I care to admit looking for these “go-to” ways to get pregnant fast and you know which one of them worked? NONE of them!

All of the Craziness

Like you have probably done, I too have tried these crazy things trying to get pregnant. I took vitamins, I ate certain things, I literally put my legs over my head trying to get pregnant. I did everything short of standing on my head (and I would have done that but I was afraid I would break my neck)! In reality, we can do everything in our power and still not get pregnant especially not fast.

False Hope

These crazy “doctors” and influencers are probably getting paid to tell you that these things work. They give you all kinds of false hope when in all honesty they know they don’t work or they don’t work for everyone. Not everyone’s bodies are the same and not everyone’s bodies work the same way. We need to quit putting so much hope in these things that all of these people are telling us to do and do one thing that will help you more than anything.

What we should do instead

Instead of trying all of these crazy ideas, we need to do the one thing that will help more than anything. We need to pray. I don’t mean just say “Dear Lord please let me get pregnant”. I mean we need to pray with our whole heart that God will give us the blessing that we desire so much. Can he actually do that? Absolutely! And I have proof to back it up. There are several stories of barren women in the Bible:  Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Hannah, the anonymous wife of Manoah (mother of Samson), Elizabeth and there are even more to name but these are the most well-known stories. All of these women wanted a baby so bad like I’m sure most of you all reading this post do as well. Some of these women were of old age, some of these women had seen everyone else around them get pregnant, and some of them had no hope but when they put their faith in God they became pregnant.

My personal experience

I myself had trouble conceiving. I will tell my whole story of trying to conceive in another blog post but I will tell you one thing. When I put all of my faith and all of my hope in God and stopped trying to take matters into my own hands is exactly the moment I got pregnant. I had prayed many prayers but it was when I started believe that God could actually answer the prayer is when I seen things start to happen.

I was at a church with my friend and heard a preacher say something that stuck with me.

Why pray for a miracle if you don’t think it could happen?

This stuck with me because I was guilty. I was praying but I still had doubt. You have to give it all to God. 100% all of it! Easier said than done I know but when you do this you will see his will unfold before your eyes if it be his will.

I hope this gives someone hope. Know that I am always here to pray for you.

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